//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|Account+Balance+Magin-Indi copyright Mar 2011 @ File45 //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property indicator_chart_window // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ START OF DEFAULT OPTIONS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // Account: Balance - Equity - Margin - FreeMargin - Profit extern string ACCOUNT_OPTIONS; extern string Acc_Currency_Symbol = "$"; extern int Acc_Corner = 2; extern string ______ = ""; extern bool Acc_X_distance_Control_All_X = false; extern int Acc_X_distance_Set_All_X= 1400; extern string _______= ""; extern int Acc_X_distance_Balance = 420; extern int Acc_X_distance_Equity = 650; extern int Acc_X_distance_Margin = 850; extern int Acc_X_distance_Free_Margin = 1050; extern int Acc_X_distance_Profit =1310; extern string ________ = ""; extern string ACC_Y_DISTANCE_VIRTICAL; extern bool Acc_Y_distance_Control_All_Y = true; extern int Acc_Y_distance_Set_All_Y=1; extern string _________ = ""; extern int Acc_Y_distance_Balance = 86; extern int Acc_Y_distance_Equity = 69; extern int Acc_Y_distance_Margin = 52; extern int Acc_Y_distance_Free_Margin = 35; extern int Acc_Y_distance_Profit =10; extern string __________ = ""; extern color Acc_Color_Balance = Yellow; extern color Acc_Color_Equity = DodgerBlue; extern color Acc_Color_Margin = DodgerBlue; extern color Acc_Color_Free_Margin = DodgerBlue; extern color Acc_Color_Profit = LimeGreen; extern color Acc_Color_Loss = Red; extern color Acc_Color_PnL_Closed =LightSlateGray; extern string ___________ = ""; extern int Acc_Font_Size=10; extern string Acc_Font_Type="Arial"; extern string ____________ = ""; extern bool Acc_HIDE_ALL=false; extern bool Acc_HIDE_Balance=false; extern bool Acc_HIDE_Equity=false; extern bool Acc_HIDE_Margin=false; extern bool Acc_HIDE_Free_Margin=false; extern bool Acc_HIDE_Profit=false; // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END OF DEFAULT OPTIONS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // Balance - Profit alternative color color PnL_Color; int init(){ return(0); } int deinit(){ // Balance - deletes ObjectDelete("Acc_Balance_Label"); ObjectDelete("Acc_Equity_Label"); ObjectDelete("Acc_Margin_Label"); ObjectDelete("Acc_Free_Margin_Label"); ObjectDelete("Acc_Profit_Label"); return(0); } int start(){ // Balance: Account Balance, Equity, Margin, Free Margin and Profit. if (Acc_HIDE_ALL==false){ if (Acc_HIDE_Balance==false){ //string Acc_Balance = DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(),2); string Acc_Balance = NumberToStr(AccountBalance(),",T12.2"); ObjectCreate("Acc_Balance_Label", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0); ObjectSetText("Acc_Balance_Label"," Balance : " + Acc_Currency_Symbol + " " + Acc_Balance, Acc_Font_Size, Acc_Font_Type, Acc_Color_Balance); ObjectSet("Acc_Balance_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER, Acc_Corner); if (Acc_X_distance_Control_All_X==true){ Acc_X_distance_Balance=Acc_X_distance_Set_All_X;} ObjectSet("Acc_Balance_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Acc_X_distance_Balance); if (Acc_Y_distance_Control_All_Y==true){ Acc_Y_distance_Balance=Acc_Y_distance_Set_All_Y;} ObjectSet("Acc_Balance_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, Acc_Y_distance_Balance);} if (Acc_HIDE_Equity==false){ //string Acc_Equity = DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(), 2); string Acc_Equity = NumberToStr(AccountEquity(),",T12.2"); ObjectCreate("Acc_Equity_Label", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0); ObjectSetText("Acc_Equity_Label", " Equity : " + Acc_Currency_Symbol + " " + Acc_Equity, Acc_Font_Size, Acc_Font_Type, Acc_Color_Equity); ObjectSet("Acc_Equity_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER, Acc_Corner); if (Acc_X_distance_Control_All_X==true){ Acc_X_distance_Equity=Acc_X_distance_Set_All_X;} ObjectSet("Acc_Equity_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Acc_X_distance_Equity); if (Acc_Y_distance_Control_All_Y==true){ Acc_Y_distance_Equity=Acc_Y_distance_Set_All_Y;} ObjectSet("Acc_Equity_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, Acc_Y_distance_Equity);} if (Acc_HIDE_Margin==false){ //string Acc_Margin = DoubleToStr(AccountMargin(),2); string Acc_Margin = NumberToStr(AccountMargin(),",T12.2"); ObjectCreate("Acc_Margin_Label", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0); ObjectSetText("Acc_Margin_Label"," Margin : " + Acc_Currency_Symbol + " " + Acc_Margin, Acc_Font_Size, Acc_Font_Type, Acc_Color_Margin); ObjectSet("Acc_Margin_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER, Acc_Corner); if (Acc_X_distance_Control_All_X==true){ Acc_X_distance_Margin=Acc_X_distance_Set_All_X;} ObjectSet("Acc_Margin_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Acc_X_distance_Margin); if (Acc_Y_distance_Control_All_Y==true){ Acc_Y_distance_Margin=Acc_Y_distance_Set_All_Y;} ObjectSet("Acc_Margin_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, Acc_Y_distance_Margin);} if (Acc_HIDE_Free_Margin==false){ //string Acc_Free_Margin = DoubleToStr(AccountFreeMargin(),2); string Acc_Free_Margin = NumberToStr(AccountFreeMargin(),",T12.2"); ObjectCreate("Acc_Free_Margin_Label", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0); ObjectSetText("Acc_Free_Margin_Label"," FreeMargin : " + Acc_Currency_Symbol + " " + Acc_Free_Margin, Acc_Font_Size, Acc_Font_Type, Acc_Color_Free_Margin); ObjectSet("Acc_Free_Margin_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER, Acc_Corner); if (Acc_X_distance_Control_All_X==true){ Acc_X_distance_Free_Margin=Acc_X_distance_Set_All_X;} ObjectSet("Acc_Free_Margin_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Acc_X_distance_Free_Margin); if (Acc_Y_distance_Control_All_Y==true){ Acc_Y_distance_Free_Margin=Acc_Y_distance_Set_All_Y;} ObjectSet("Acc_Free_Margin_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, Acc_Y_distance_Free_Margin);} if (Acc_HIDE_Profit==false){ //string Acc_Profit = DoubleToStr(AccountProfit(),2); string Acc_Profit = NumberToStr(AccountProfit(),",T12.2"); ObjectCreate("Acc_Profit_Label", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0); if(AccountProfit()>=0.01){PnL_Color=Acc_Color_Profit;} else if(AccountProfit()<=-0.01){PnL_Color=Acc_Color_Loss;} else {PnL_Color = Acc_Color_PnL_Closed;} ObjectSetText("Acc_Profit_Label"," Acc Profit : " + Acc_Currency_Symbol + " " + Acc_Profit, Acc_Font_Size, Acc_Font_Type, PnL_Color); ObjectSet("Acc_Profit_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER, Acc_Corner); if (Acc_X_distance_Control_All_X==true){ Acc_X_distance_Profit=Acc_X_distance_Set_All_X;} ObjectSet("Acc_Profit_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Acc_X_distance_Profit); if (Acc_Y_distance_Control_All_Y==true){ Acc_Y_distance_Profit=Acc_Y_distance_Set_All_Y;} ObjectSet("Acc_Profit_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, Acc_Y_distance_Profit);}} return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string NumberToStr(double n, string mask) //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Formats a number using a mask, and returns the resulting string // Usage: string result = NumberToStr(number,mask) // // Mask parameters: // n = number of digits to output, to the left of the decimal point // n.d = output n digits to left of decimal point; d digits to the right // -n.d = floating minus sign at left of output // n.d- = minus sign at right of output // +n.d = floating plus/minus sign at left of output // ( or ) = enclose negative number in parentheses // $ or £ or ¥ or € = include floating currency symbol at left of output // % = include trailing % sign // , = use commas to separate thousands // Z or z = left fill with zeros instead of spaces // R or r = round result in rightmost displayed digit // B or b = blank entire field if number is 0 // * = show asterisk in leftmost position if overflow occurs // ; = switch use of comma and period (European format) // L or l = left align final string // T ot t = trim end result { if (MathAbs(n) == 2147483647) n = 0; mask = StringUpper(mask); int dotadj = 0; int dot = StringFind(mask,".",0); if (dot < 0) { dot = StringLen(mask); dotadj = 1; } int nleft = 0; int nright = 0; for (int i=0; i= "0" && char <= "9") nleft = 10 * nleft + StrToInteger(char); } if (dotadj == 0) { for (i=dot+1; i<=StringLen(mask); i++) { char = StringSubstr(mask,i,1); if (char >= "0" && char <= "9") nright = 10 * nright + StrToInteger(char); } } nright = MathMin(nright,7); if (dotadj == 1) { for (i=0; i= "0" && char <= "9") { dot = i; break; } } } string csym = ""; if (StringFind(mask,"$",0) >= 0) csym = "$"; if (StringFind(mask,"£",0) >= 0) csym = "£"; if (StringFind(mask,"€",0) >= 0) csym = "€"; if (StringFind(mask,"¥",0) >= 0) csym = "¥"; string leadsign = ""; string trailsign = ""; if (StringFind(mask,"+",0) >= 0 && StringFind(mask,"+",0) < dot) { leadsign = " "; if (n > 0) leadsign = "+"; if (n < 0) leadsign = "-"; } if (StringFind(mask,"-",0) >= 0 && StringFind(mask,"-",0) < dot) if (n < 0) leadsign = "-"; else leadsign = " "; if (StringFind(mask,"-",0) >= 0 && StringFind(mask,"-",0) > dot) if (n < 0) trailsign = "-"; else trailsign = " "; if (StringFind(mask,"(",0) >= 0 || StringFind(mask,")",0) >= 0) { leadsign = " "; trailsign = " "; if (n < 0) { leadsign = "("; trailsign = ")"; } } if (StringFind(mask,"%",0) >= 0) trailsign = "%"; if (StringFind(mask,",",0) >= 0) bool comma = true; else comma = false; if (StringFind(mask,"Z",0) >= 0) bool zeros = true; else zeros = false; if (StringFind(mask,"B",0) >= 0) bool blank = true; else blank = false; if (StringFind(mask,"R",0) >= 0) bool round = true; else round = false; if (StringFind(mask,"*",0) >= 0) bool overf = true; else overf = false; if (StringFind(mask,"L",0) >= 0) bool lftsh = true; else lftsh = false; if (StringFind(mask,";",0) >= 0) bool swtch = true; else swtch = false; if (StringFind(mask,"T",0) >= 0) bool trimf = true; else trimf = false; if (round) n = MathFix(n,nright); string outstr = n; int dleft = 0; for (i=0; i= "0" && char <= "9") dleft++; if (char == ".") break; } // Insert fill characters....... if (zeros) string fill = "0"; else fill = " "; if (n < 0) outstr = "-" + StringRepeat(fill,nleft-dleft) + StringSubstr(outstr,1,StringLen(outstr)-1); else outstr = StringRepeat(fill,nleft-dleft) + StringSubstr(outstr,0,StringLen(outstr)); outstr = StringSubstr(outstr,StringLen(outstr)-9-nleft,nleft+1+nright-dotadj); // Insert the commas....... if (comma) { bool digflg = false; bool stpflg = false; string out1 = ""; string out2 = ""; for (i=0; i= "0" && char <= "9") digflg = true; } outstr = out1; } // Add currency symbol and signs........ outstr = csym + leadsign + outstr + trailsign; // 'Float' the currency symbol/sign....... out1 = ""; out2 = ""; bool fltflg = true; for (i=0; i= "0" && char <= "9") fltflg = false; if ((char == " " && fltflg) || (blank && n == 0) ) out1 = out1 + " "; else out2 = out2 + char; } outstr = out1 + out2; // Overflow........ if (overf && dleft > nleft) outstr = "*" + StringSubstr(outstr,1,StringLen(outstr)-1); // Left shift....... if (lftsh) { int len = StringLen(outstr); outstr = StringLeftTrim(outstr); outstr = outstr + StringRepeat(" ",len-StringLen(outstr)); } // Switch period and comma....... if (swtch) { out1 = ""; for (i=0; i=0) outstr = outstr + StringSubstr(upper,t1,1); else outstr = outstr + StringSubstr(str,i,1); } return(outstr); } double MathFix(double n, int d) //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Returns N rounded to D decimals - works around a precision bug in MQL4 { return(MathRound(n*MathPow(10,d)+0.000000000001*MathSign(n))/MathPow(10,d)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string StringLeftTrim(string str) //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Removes all leading spaces from a string // Usage: string x=StringLeftTrim(" XX YY ") returns x = "XX YY " { bool left = true; string outstr = ""; for(int i=0; i 0) return(1); else if (n < 0) return (-1); else return(0); }