//==================================================================== // CandleTimeV.mq4 // by Derk Wehler // derkwehler@gmail.com // Version "V" has text vertical @ 90 degrees //==================================================================== #property copyright "Copyright © 2005, Derk Wehler" #property link "http://www.ArrogantFxBastards.com" #property indicator_chart_window extern bool UseComment = false; extern color TextColor = Aqua; extern int TextSize = 8; extern string TextFont = "Verdana"; double s1[]; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { ObjectDelete("time"); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { double i; int m, s; string output; m = Time[0] + Period() * 60 - CurTime(); i = m / 60.0; s = m % 60; m = (m - m % 60) / 60; output = m + ":"; if(m<10) output="0"+output; if(s<10) output=output+"0"+s+" left to bar end"; else output=output+s+" left to bar end"; if (UseComment) Comment(output); else { ObjectDelete("time"); ObjectCreate("time", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0], Close[0]+0.0005); ObjectSetText("time", output, TextSize, TextFont, TextColor); ObjectSet("time",OBJPROP_ANGLE,90); } return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+