//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Market_Sessions_Indi.mq4 | //| Copyright 2010, KoliEr Li. | //| http://kolier.li | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ /* * I here get paid to program for you. Just $15 for all scripts. * * I am a bachelor major in Financial-Mathematics. * I am good at programming in MQL for Meta Trader 4 platform. Senior Level. Have done hundreds of scripts. * No matter what it is, create or modify any indicators, expert advisors and scripts. * I will ask these jobs which are not too large, price from $15, surely refundable if you are not appreciate mine. * All products will deliver in 3 days. * Also, I am providing EA, Indicator and Trade System Improvement Consultant services, contact me for the detail. * If you need to have it done, don't hesitate to contact me at: kolier.li@gmail.com */ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Indicator Properties | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2010, KoliEr Li." #property link "http://kolier.li" // Client: // Tags: Market Sessions, Time, Period // Revision: 1 #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_maximum 5 #property indicator_minimum 0 //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Universal Constants | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| User input variables | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ extern string IndicatorName = "Market_Sessions_Indi"; extern string IndicatorVersion = "1.0"; // The version number of this script extern string ProjectPage = "http://kolier.li/indicator/kmsi-kolier-market-sessions-indicator"; // The project landing page extern int ShowLinesDayBack = 10; // Set to 0, count all //extern double ServerGMT = 0; extern bool ShowPositionLabel = true; extern string Position = "Europe,America,Asia,Pacific"; extern string Time_Start = "07:00,13:00,00:00,21:00"; extern string Time_End = "17:00,23:00,10:00,7:00"; extern string Width = "2,2,2,2"; extern string ColorSheet = "http://kolier.li/example/mt4-color-sheet"; extern string Color = "Red,Yellow,Blue,Green"; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Universal variables | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string positions[0], times_start[0], times_end[0]; color colors[0]; int widths[0]; bool drawed_positions=false; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { IndicatorShortName(IndicatorName); IndicatorDigits(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS)); explodeStr(positions, Position, ","); explodeStr(times_start, Time_Start, ","); explodeStr(times_end, Time_End, ","); explodeStr2Color(colors, Color, ","); explodeStr2Int(widths, Width, ","); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { objClear(IndicatorName); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { int bars_counted = IndicatorCounted(); if(bars_counted < 0) { return(1); } else if(bars_counted > 0) { bars_counted--; } int limit = Bars - bars_counted; int bars_of_day = 86400/(Period()*60); if(limit > ShowLinesDayBack*bars_of_day && ShowLinesDayBack > 0) { limit = ShowLinesDayBack*bars_of_day; } int size_positions = ArraySize(positions); datetime time_start, time_end; int i, j; // Draw once, and leave the control to the user if(ShowPositionLabel && !drawed_positions) { drawed_positions = true; for(i=0; i=0; j--) { for(i=0; i=time_start) { time_end += 86400; } else { time_start -= 86400; } } objTrendLine(IndicatorName+"_"+positions[i]+"_"+time_start, time_start, i+1, time_end, i+1, 1, widths[i], colors[i], STYLE_SOLID, false); } } return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Explode String @http://kolier.li | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void explodeStr(string& arr[], string text_arr, string separator) { int start = 0, length, array_size; bool eos = false; ArrayResize(arr, 0); while(eos==false) { length = StringFind(text_arr,separator,start)-start; if(length < 0) { // Avoid empty string if(StringLen(text_arr)==0) { return; } eos = true; length = StringLen(text_arr)-start; } array_size = ArraySize(arr); ArrayResize(arr, array_size+1); arr[array_size] = StringSubstr(text_arr, start, length); start += length+1; } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Explode String to Integer @http://kolier.li | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void explodeStr2Int(int& arr[], string text_arr, string separator) { int start = 0, length, array_size; bool eos = false; ArrayResize(arr, 0); while(eos==false) { length = StringFind(text_arr,separator,start)-start; if(length < 0) { // Avoid empty string if(StringLen(text_arr)==0) { return; } eos = true; length = StringLen(text_arr)-start; } array_size = ArraySize(arr); ArrayResize(arr, array_size+1); arr[array_size] = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(text_arr, start, length)); start += length+1; } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Explode String to Integer @http://kolier.li | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void explodeStr2Color(color& arr[], string text_arr, string separator) { int start = 0, length, array_size; bool eos = false; ArrayResize(arr, 0); while(eos==false) { length = StringFind(text_arr,separator,start)-start; if(length < 0) { // Avoid empty string if(StringLen(text_arr)==0) { return; } eos = true; length = StringLen(text_arr)-start; } array_size = ArraySize(arr); ArrayResize(arr, array_size+1); arr[array_size] = StrToColor(StringSubstr(text_arr, start, length)); start += length+1; } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Clear Objects @http://kolier.li | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void objClear(string prefix) { string name; int obj_total = ObjectsTotal(); for (int i=obj_total-1; i>=0; i--) { name = ObjectName(i); if (StringFind(name, prefix) == 0) ObjectDelete(name); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Set object Trend Line, create if not exist yet @http://kolier.li | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void objTrendLine(string name, datetime time_1, double price_1, datetime time_2, double price_2, int window=0, int width=1, color col=White, int style=STYLE_SOLID, bool ray=true) { if(ObjectFind(name)==-1) { ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_TREND, window, time_1, price_1, time_2, price_2); } ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_PRICE1, price_1); ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_PRICE2, price_2); ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_TIME1, time_1); ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_TIME2, time_2); ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_WIDTH, width); ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_COLOR, col); ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_STYLE, style); ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_RAY, ray); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Set object Label, create if not exist yet @http://kolier.li | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void objLabel(string name, string tex, int corner, int position_x, int position_y, int window=0, color tex_color=White, string tex_font="Arial", int tex_size=12) { if(ObjectFind(name)==-1) { ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_LABEL, window, 0, 0); } ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_CORNER, corner); ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, position_x); ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, position_y); ObjectSetText(name, tex, tex_size, tex_font, tex_color); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| String to Color @http:/kolier.li | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int StrToColor(string str) { str = StringLower(str); if (str == "aliceblue") return(0xFFF8F0); if (str == "antiquewhite") return(0xD7EBFA); if (str == "aqua") return(0xFFFF00); if (str == "aquamarine") return(0xD4FF7F); if (str == "beige") return(0xDCF5F5); if (str == "bisque") return(0xC4E4FF); if (str == "black") return(0x000000); if (str == "blanchedalmond") return(0xCDEBFF); if (str == "blue") return(0xFF0000); if (str == "blueviolet") return(0xE22B8A); if (str == "brown") return(0x2A2AA5); if (str == "burlywood") return(0x87B8DE); if (str == "cadetblue") return(0xA09E5F); if (str == "chartreuse") return(0x00FF7F); if (str == "chocolate") return(0x1E69D2); if (str == "coral") return(0x507FFF); if (str == "cornflowerblue") return(0xED9564); if (str == "cornsilk") return(0xDCF8FF); if (str == "crimson") return(0x3C14DC); if (str == "darkblue") return(0x8B0000); if (str == "darkgoldenrod") return(0x0B86B8); if (str == "darkgray") return(0xA9A9A9); if (str == "darkgreen") return(0x006400); if (str == "darkkhaki") return(0x6BB7BD); if (str == "darkolivegreen") return(0x2F6B55); if (str == "darkorange") return(0x008CFF); if (str == "darkorchid") return(0xCC3299); if (str == "darksalmon") return(0x7A96E9); if (str == "darkseagreen") return(0x8BBC8F); if (str == "darkslateblue") return(0x8B3D48); if (str == "darkslategray") return(0x4F4F2F); if (str == "darkturquoise") return(0xD1CE00); if (str == "darkviolet") return(0xD30094); if (str == "deeppink") return(0x9314FF); if (str == "deepskyblue") return(0xFFBF00); if (str == "dimgray") return(0x696969); if (str == "dodgerblue") return(0xFF901E); if (str == "firebrick") return(0x2222B2); if (str == "forestgreen") return(0x228B22); if (str == "gainsboro") return(0xDCDCDC); if (str == "gold") return(0x00D7FF); if (str == "goldenrod") return(0x20A5DA); if (str == "gray") return(0x808080); if (str == "green") return(0x008000); if (str == "greenyellow") return(0x2FFFAD); if (str == "honeydew") return(0xF0FFF0); if (str == "hotpink") return(0xB469FF); if (str == "indianred") return(0x5C5CCD); if (str == "indigo") return(0x82004B); if (str == "ivory") return(0xF0FFFF); if (str == "khaki") return(0x8CE6F0); if (str == "lavender") return(0xFAE6E6); if (str == "lavenderblush") return(0xF5F0FF); if (str == "lawngreen") return(0x00FC7C); if (str == "lemonchiffon") return(0xCDFAFF); if (str == "lightblue") return(0xE6D8AD); if (str == "lightcoral") return(0x8080F0); if (str == "lightcyan") return(0xFFFFE0); if (str == "lightgoldenrod") return(0xD2FAFA); if (str == "lightgray") return(0xD3D3D3); if (str == "lightgreen") return(0x90EE90); if (str == "lightpink") return(0xC1B6FF); if (str == "lightsalmon") return(0x7AA0FF); if (str == "lightseagreen") return(0xAAB220); if (str == "lightskyblue") return(0xFACE87); if (str == "lightslategray") return(0x998877); if (str == "lightsteelblue") return(0xDEC4B0); if (str == "lightyellow") return(0xE0FFFF); if (str == "lime") return(0x00FF00); if (str == "limegreen") return(0x32CD32); if (str == "linen") return(0xE6F0FA); if (str == "magenta") return(0xFF00FF); if (str == "maroon") return(0x000080); if (str == "mediumaquamarine") return(0xAACD66); if (str == "mediumblue") return(0xCD0000); if (str == "mediumorchid") return(0xD355BA); if (str == "mediumpurple") return(0xDB7093); if (str == "mediumseagreen") return(0x71B33C); if (str == "mediumslateblue") return(0xEE687B); if (str == "mediumspringgreen") return(0x9AFA00); if (str == "mediumturquoise") return(0xCCD148); if (str == "mediumvioletred") return(0x8515C7); if (str == "midnightblue") return(0x701919); if (str == "mintcream") return(0xFAFFF5); if (str == "mistyrose") return(0xE1E4FF); if (str == "moccasin") return(0xB5E4FF); if (str == "navajowhite") return(0xADDEFF); if (str == "navy") return(0x800000); if (str == "none") return(C'0x00,0x00,0x00'); if (str == "oldlace") return(0xE6F5FD); if (str == "olive") return(0x008080); if (str == "olivedrab") return(0x238E6B); if (str == "orange") return(0x00A5FF); if (str == "orangered") return(0x0045FF); if (str == "orchid") return(0xD670DA); if (str == "palegoldenrod") return(0xAAE8EE); if (str == "palegreen") return(0x98FB98); if (str == "paleturquoise") return(0xEEEEAF); if (str == "palevioletred") return(0x9370DB); if (str == "papayawhip") return(0xD5EFFF); if (str == "peachpuff") return(0xB9DAFF); if (str == "peru") return(0x3F85CD); if (str == "pink") return(0xCBC0FF); if (str == "plum") return(0xDDA0DD); if (str == "powderblue") return(0xE6E0B0); if (str == "purple") return(0x800080); if (str == "red") return(0x0000FF); if (str == "rosybrown") return(0x8F8FBC); if (str == "royalblue") return(0xE16941); if (str == "saddlebrown") return(0x13458B); if (str == "salmon") return(0x7280FA); if (str == "sandybrown") return(0x60A4F4); if (str == "seagreen") return(0x578B2E); if (str == "seashell") return(0xEEF5FF); if (str == "sienna") return(0x2D52A0); if (str == "silver") return(0xC0C0C0); if (str == "skyblue") return(0xEBCE87); if (str == "slateblue") return(0xCD5A6A); if (str == "slategray") return(0x908070); if (str == "snow") return(0xFAFAFF); if (str == "springgreen") return(0x7FFF00); if (str == "steelblue") return(0xB48246); if (str == "tan") return(0x8CB4D2); if (str == "teal") return(0x808000); if (str == "thistle") return(0xD8BFD8); if (str == "tomato") return(0x4763FF); if (str == "turquoise") return(0xD0E040); if (str == "violet") return(0xEE82EE); if (str == "wheat") return(0xB3DEF5); if (str == "white") return(0xFFFFFF); if (str == "whitesmoke") return(0xF5F5F5); if (str == "yellow") return(0x00FFFF); if (str == "yellowgreen") return(0x32CD9A); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Converts any uppercase characters in a string to lowercase | //| Usage: string x=StringUpper("The Quick Brown Fox") | //| returns x = "the quick brown fox" | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ string StringLower(string str) { string outstr = ""; string lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; string upper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for(int i=0; i=0) outstr = outstr + StringSubstr(lower,t1,1); else outstr = outstr + StringSubstr(str,i,1); } return(outstr); }